Thursday, November 6, 2014

Peace Camp Nevada

Originally Published by Indian Voices
(Author not cited. If you know let em know and I will correct this!)

The Peace Camp Nevada was formed, so that the Small Group of Folks, who lived across from the
Nevada Test Site & Formed a group of dedicated Activists.(Could communicate about the Actions in Which we empowered & help hundreds of Folks, commit acts of Civil Nonviolent Disobedience. It was formed from the Actions of

Art Casey of the Nevada Desert Experience.

It was formed during the period of time, in which American Peace Test was doing Civil Disobedience.

It was a separate entity, completed.

American Peace Test often used our daily vigils & Civil Disobedience, for their fundraising. But there was no connection, between the two groups. We all were friends, but did not received any funds they raised, using our name.

The actions of peace camp reached the people of the Russians. Through the Action of a Russia Activist. Who was often on Russian TV, as a Respectively National Poet & Artist. One day he announced the actions of a small dedicated group of about 20 people, who were daily committing civil disobedience at the

Nevada Test Site. He raised the country's moral belief, that nuclear disarmament was an available option.

The Russia people formed a group of 40,000+ people, who incorporated the name of Nevada into their name. Because of the actions of dedicated actions of the Ongoing Nevada Peace Group ( This was the true name, of the Nevada Peace Camp)

40,000 Russian People, committed a massive act of civil disobedience, which shocked the Russian authority. Who responded by closing one of the eight nuclear test sites, which they had established? More information of Art Casey & his actions, which lead to the formation of the Nevada Peace Camp, at his blog.

These are the memories of a 67-year original member (who has PTSD) all errors in the above statement, are my fault.

Other original members of the original Ongoing Nevada Peace Camp are encouraged to provide
corrected details.

Corbin Harney the Western Shoshone Spirituality Leader ( RIP 2007) who is often cited as one of the founding members, actual was brought to the Nevada Peace Camp by Bill Rosse, the Western Shoshone Environmental Director, after the passing of his wife. The Ongoing Peace Camp was established prior to his arrival.

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