Sunday, November 30, 2014

History of "Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament"

The history of CND

The first atomic bomb was dropped by the United States on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945. Three days later the second was dropped on Nagasaki. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians died and countless more had their lives blighted by the horror, by sickness and by loss. The Atomic Age had begun.

During the late 1940s and 50s, first the US, then the Soviet Union and Britain developed and tested new atomic weapons with ever increasing frequency. Not only were there fears of nuclear war breaking out but there was growing concern and protest around the world at the health risks and environmental damage caused by these atmospheric tests. By the late 1950s, these fears had become acute.
In the beginning 

In the 1950s Europe was gripped by a very real fear of nuclear conflict and, building on the work of earlier anti-war movements, CND was launched with a massive public meeting in London in February 1958. Shortly afterwards at Easter the first Aldermaston March attracted a good deal of attention and the CND symbol appeared everywhere. From the outset people from all sections of society got involved. There were scientists, more aware than anyone else of the full extent of the dangers which nuclear weapons represented, along with religious leaders such as Canon John Collins of St Paul's Cathedral, concerned to resist the moral evil which nuclear weapons represented. The Society of Friends (Quakers) was very supportive, as well as a wide range of academics, journalists, writers, actors and musicians. Labour Party members and trade unionists were overwhelmingly sympathetic as were people who had been involved in earlier anti-bomb campaigns organised by the British Peace Committee or the Direct Action Committee.

In the early years membership increased rapidly. CND’s advocacy of unilateral nuclear disarmament – the proposal that Britain should take the initiative and get rid of its own nuclear weapons, irrespective of the actions of others – caught the imagination of many. Multilateral disarmament – simultaneously by negotiations between countries – was clearly not working, although CND also strongly supported the goal of global abolition. The US, Soviet Union and Britain, (and later France and China), were building ever more nuclear weapons. All attempts to control, let alone reverse the process broke down repeatedly. (As an example, negotiations for a treaty to halt the spread of nuclear weapons began in 1958 but the final agreement was not reached until 1968).
Aldermaston march 1958
The Cuban Missile Crisis and after 

In 1962 the Soviet Union was discovered to be installing nuclear missiles in Cuba, only 90 miles from the Florida coast. This very nearly provoked a nuclear war and although the Soviet Union pulled back at the last moment, both sides had been severely frightened.

The first telephone hot-line was set up between Washington and Moscow so the leaders could talk directly to each other. The Soviet missiles were taken out of Cuba and shortly afterwards US missiles already based in Turkey were quietly removed.

The next year a ban on nuclear testing in the atmosphere was agreed between the US, Soviet Union and Britain. For the first time the multilateral approach seemed to be working. International tension relaxed as the immediate threat of nuclear war faded away and CND numbers began to dwindle.

A smaller CND
From the mid-1960s, nuclear issues were increasingly replaced as the subject of mass popular protest by anger over the United States' war on Vietnam. CND continued but as a much smaller movement. But protests continued, particularly in Scotland where British nuclear-armed submarines were now based.
Problems and solutions 

During these years, CND faced significant political challenges. Many CND supporters were Labour Party members and when CND’s unilateral line gained majority backing within the Party, it provoked a violent reaction from the leadership. When Harold Wilson won the 1964 Election, the new Labour Government simply ignored anti-nuclear feeling and continued with the previous Conservative Government’s nuclear policy.

There had also been internal arguments about whether it was ever legitimate to break the law. Supporters of non-violent direct action (NVDA) wanted the campaign to include mass civil disobedience actions such as sit-ins and blockades.

bertrand_russellIn 1960 the Committee of 100, led by the philosopher Bertrand Russell, was set up to organise NVDA actions. In February 1961 4,000 protesters sat down outside the Ministry of Defence in Whitehall. In September, 1,300 were arrested in Trafalgar Square and 350 at Holy Loch in Scotland where the UK nuclear submarines armed with US-loaned Polaris nuclear missile were based. The authorities began to arrest and imprison the organisers (including the 89-year-old philosopher Bertrand Russell).
There was strong support for the Committee of 100 among CND members but some of the leadership refused to accept any illegal activities.

The whole Legal versus Illegal debate is not a simple matter of the authorities (legal) against the demonstrators (illegal). The police, local authorities and even the state can act illegally or at least stretch the law in ways never intended. Many people also argue that it may be necessary to commit a lesser crime in order to prevent the greater one of nuclear war.

The principles and practice of NVDA were worked out in detail during this time so that when direct action came to the fore again in the 1980s, it was generally accepted by the peace movement as a legitimate form of protest.

Copyright Melanie Friend
Image copyright Melanie Friend
Cruise and Pershing missiles 

1979 the decision was made to deploy US Cruise and Pershing missiles in Britain and several other Western European countries. At the same time the Soviet Union was deploying its new SS-20 missiles in Eastern Europe.

Suddenly the nuclear threat was back and talk of nuclear war commonplace. As more and more missiles were crowding ever closer to the East/West border, US President Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher seemed to have embarked on an anti-Soviet, anti-Communist crusade. Their speeches were full of fundamentalist rhetoric: of Us and Them, of Good versus Evil. People became frightened and many were angry that this new generation of US nuclear weapons was to be based in Europe.

Huge protest marches were held throughout Western Europe, and in Britain, CND blossomed. Thousands of new members were joining every month.

Cruise Watch 180px-protectandsurvive.jpg

Cruise missiles were mounted on road vehicles and had to leave their base on regular exercises. Cruise Watch, a network of protesters, was formed to track and harass the Cruise convoys wherever they went. Because of the scale and the determination of the protests, the convoys soon had to have large police escorts and only left the camp under cover of darkness.

With huge demonstrations in London and elsewhere, opposition to Cruise and to other aspects of the government’s nuclear policy such as the very close links with the US, had become a major issue in British politics.

Civil Defence 

Renewed ridicule was heaped on the Government’s civil defence plans. These included do-it-yourself instructions on how to survive a nuclear attack in your own home. Meanwhile a network of underground bunkers had been built, not as mass air-raid shelters but as safe refuges for selected politicians and civil servants in case of nuclear war.

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp 

greenham.jpgAmong the many marches and demonstrations, one new element emerged: women-only activities.

In September 1981 a mainly women's march from Cardiff arrived at Greenham Common US Air Force base in Berkshire, where the first Cruise missiles were to be based. What was at first a temporary camp soon became both a permanent peace camp and a women-only camp.

It quickly became a focus and a symbol of women's resistance to what many saw as the male-dominated world of nuclear weapons. The Greenham Women, as they became known, were independent of CND, although many individual CND women members supported or joined the camp.

There was some opposition within CND and the wider peace movement to the fact that men were barred from the camp, but this largely melted away as the determination, imagination and energy of the Greenham Women became clear. In spite of press hostility and physical abuse including repeated, often quite brutal evictions, they stayed at the base, sometimes in their thousands, sometimes a few dozen only, but never giving up.

The Thatcher years 

The Conservative government became alarmed. Michael Heseltine was made Minister of Defence in January 1983. A very important part of his brief was to counter CND’s influence. Not only was a well-funded anti-CND propaganda unit set up by the Government but the Intelligence Service (MI5) began to spy on CND activists: bugging their telephones and even infiltrating an agent into the London office.

At the same time several organisations opposed to CND and its policies became very active. Some played a legitimate part – for instance by providing speakers to debate in schools against Youth CND and publishing reasoned arguments in opposition to CND. Others had a less reputable role: disrupting meetings, publishing personal attacks, and attempting to attack and discredit the Labour Party, under the leadership of the staunchly pro-CND Michael Foot, for its renewed anti-nuclear policies. The connections between these organisations and the government and the exact sources of their funding were never quite clear. 
Then the whole temper of international relations changed. A new Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, took the initiative in calming the situation. Negotiations to remove the new missiles which had broken down in 1983 were resumed and a treaty signed in 1987.

Gorbachev’s reforms led over the next few years to the end of the Cold War, the reunification of East and West Germany, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Eastern Europe and finally the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Again, as people felt safer, CND’s membership began to decline.
End of the twentieth century
In the last decades of the twentieth century, treaties covering nuclear proliferation and nuclear testing reinforced the belief that the immediate danger of nuclear war had faded away. Two peaks of renewed popular protest against nuclear weapons however followed the Gulf War in 1991 when there were considerable fears that Iraq would use chemical or biological weapons on Israel, which might then retaliate with nuclear weapons. A second wave of opposition internationally followed the 1995 French nuclear testing at Moruroa in the Pacific. This produced a wave of anger and protest around the world and served as an unwelcome reminder that the world was still full of nuclear weapons and that the development of new ones was continuing.
CND today
budget_day_2012_website_resizedSince the start of the twenty-first century support for CND - and for the UK to get rid of its nuclear weapons - has risen substantially.
In spite of the astronomical cost of maintaining nuclear weapons, at a time of economic crisis and major government spending cuts, the UK continues to possess the Trident nuclear weapons system. The Conservative-led coalition government is planning for a replacement, although the final decision will not be taken until 2016, after the next general election. A decision to replace Trident would mean that the UK has nuclear weapons until the 2060s, despite signing the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and agreeing to disarm in 1970. In opposition to replacement, CND regularly supports and organises events at nuclear installations across the country, campaigns both inside and outside Parliament, working with allies and supporters within the trade union movement, faith communities and civil society as a whole. Attitudes are changing across society and within the political parties too. Polls consistently show a majority for scrapping Trident.
Although our main focus is on Trident and its replacement, after the criminal attacks of September 11th, 2001, we vigorously opposed the so-called 'war on terror' and the resulting war on Iraq based on trumped-up charges over weapons of mass destruction. We rejected war as a means of solving complex problems and advocated solutions based on dialogue and justice. CND also opposes nuclear-armed NATO and continues to make the links between nuclear weapons and other issues such as missile defence and nuclear power. We also campaign for a global ban on nuclear weapons - a nuclear weapons convention.

What we've achieved
CND has continuously reminded politicians and the general public alike about how immoral and destructive nuclear weapons are and how it would be (as it was before) a terrible human tragedy if they were ever used again. We have helped to create an environment in which the use of nuclear weapons cannot be considered. The majority of British people are now against nuclear weapons and it is the same globally. In practical terms we have, working with others nationally and internationally, also been an important force in pressing our government and others Abolish_all_nukes_yes_we_can_placard_resizedto conclude a number of treaties such as the Partial Test Ban Treaty, the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. We also campaigned strenuously against the Neutron bomb; plans for this appalling device were shelved as a result.
CND continues to attract strong support from all ages and walks of life and our members – who determine CND's policy and direction through our democratic structures – are our greatest resource. There are huge amounts of experience, commitment and determination in our campaign and we will continue to work towards our goal until a world free of all nuclear weapons is achieved.

This is a summary of CND's history. Further information on the history of CND and the British peace movement can be found in the presentation below and in the 2010 documentary film Beating the Bomb.
Also, a more comprehensive history is given in CND General Secretary Kate Hudson's book CND Now More Than Ever published in 2005 by Vision Paperbacks.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Anti-nuclear protests in the United States


Anti-nuclear protests in the United States

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anti-nuclear protest at Harrisburg in 1979, following the Three Mile Island Accident.
There were many anti-nuclear protests in the United States which captured national public attention during the 1970s and 1980s. These included the well-known Clamshell Alliance protests at Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant and the Abalone Alliance protests at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, where thousands of protesters were arrested. Other large protests followed the 1979 Three Mile Island accident.[1]
A large anti-nuclear demonstration was held on May 6, 1979, in Washington D.C., when 125,000 people[2] including the Governor of California, attended a march and rally against nuclear power.[3] In New York City on September 23, 1979, almost 200,000 people attended a protest against nuclear power.[4] Anti-nuclear power protests preceded the shutdown of theShorehamYankee RoweMillstone IRancho SecoMaine Yankee, and about a dozen other nuclear power plants.[5]
On June 12, 1982, one million people demonstrated in New York City's Central Park against nuclear weapons and for an end to the cold war arms race. It was the largest anti-nuclear protest and the largest political demonstration in American history.[6][7]International Day of Nuclear Disarmament protests were held on June 20, 1983 at 50 sites across the United States.[8][9] In 1986, hundreds of people walked from Los Angeles to Washington DC in the Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament.[10] There were many Nevada Desert Experience protests and peace camps at the Nevada Test Site during the 1980s and 1990s.[11][12]
On May 1, 2005, 40,000 anti-nuclear/anti-war protesters marched past the United Nations in New York, 60 years after theatomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.[13][14] This was the largest anti-nuclear rally in the U.S. for several decades.[15] In the 2000s there were protests about, and campaigns against, several new nuclear reactor proposals in the United States.[16][17][18] In 2013, four aging, uncompetitive, reactors were permanently closed: San Onofre 2 and 3 in California, Crystal River 3 in Florida, and Kewaunee in Wisconsin.[19][20] Vermont Yankee, in Vernon, is scheduled to close in 2014, following many protests. Protesters in New York State are seeking to close Indian Point Energy Center, in Buchanan, 30 miles from New York City.[20]


The anti-nuclear movement in the United States have undertaken public protests and acts of civil disobedience which have included occupations of nuclear plant sites. Other salient strategies have included lobbying, petitioning government authorities, influencing public policy through referendum campaigns and involvement in elections. Anti-nuclear groups have also tried to influence policy implementation through litigation and by participating in licencing proceedings.[21]

Bodega Bay[edit]

Pacific Gas & Electric planned to build the first commercially viable nuclear power plant in the USA at Bodega Bay, a fishing village fifty miles north of San Francisco. The proposal was controversial and conflict with local citizens began in 1958.[22] In 1963 there was a large demonstration at the site of the proposed Bodega Bay Nuclear Power Plant.[23] The conflict ended in 1964, with the forced abandonment of plans for the power plant. Attempts to build a nuclear power plant in Malibu were similar to those at Bodega Bay and were also abandoned.[22]

Women Strike for Peace[edit]

Women Strike for Peace during theCuban Missile Crisis
On November 1, 1961, at the height of the Cold War, about 50,000 women brought together by Women Strike for Peacemarched in 60 cities in the United States to demonstrate against nuclear weapons. It was the largest national women's peace protest of the 20th century.[24] About 1,500 women led by Dagmar Wilson gathered at the foot of the Washington Monument and President John F. Kennedy watched from a window at the White House. The protest helped "push the United States and the Soviet Union into signing a nuclear test-ban treaty two years later".[24][25]

Montague Nuclear Power Plant[edit]

On 22 February 1974, Washington's Birthday, organic farmer Sam Lovejoy took a crowbar to the weather-monitoring tower which had been erected at the Montague Nuclear Power Plant site. Lovejoy felled 349 feet of the 550 foot tower and then took himself to the local police station, where he presented a statement in which he took full responsibility for the action. Lovejoy's action galvanized local public opinion against the plant.[26][27] The Montague nuclear power plant proposal was canceled in 1980,[28] after $29 million was spent on the project.[26]

Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant[edit]

See also: Paul Gunter and Macy Morse
Seabrook power plant was proposed as a twin-reactor plant in 1972, at an estimated cost of $973 million. When it finally won a commercial license in March 1990, it was a single reactor which cost $6.5 billion.[29] Over a period of thirteen years more than 4,000 citizens, many associated with the Clamshell Alliance anti-nuclear group, committed non-violent civil disobedience at Seabrook:[30]
  • August 1, 1976: 200 residents rallied at the future Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant site in New Hampshire, and 18 were arrested for criminal trespass.[30]
  • August 22, 1976: 188 activists from New England were arrested at the Seabrook site.[30][31]
  • May 2, 1977: 1,414 protesters were arrested at Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant.[5][32][33] The protesters who were arrested were expected to be "released on their own recognizance", but this did not happen. Instead, they were charged with criminal trespass and asked to post bail ranging from $100 to $500. They refused and were then held in five national guard armories for 12 days. The Seabrook conflict, and role of New Hampshire Governor Meldrim Thomson, received much national media coverage.[34]
  • May 13, 1977: 550 protestors were freed after being detained for thirteen days.[35]
  • June 1978: some 12,000 people attended a protest at Seabrook.[5][33]
  • May 25–27, 1980: Police use tear gas, riot sticks and dogs to drive 2,000 demonstrators away from the Seabrook site.[36]
  • May 24, 1986: 74 anti-nuclear demonstrators were arrested in protests.[37][38]
  • October 17, 1988: 84 people were arrested at the Seabrook plant.[39]
  • June 5, 1989: hundreds of demonstrators protested against the plant's first low-power testing, and the police arrested 627 people for trespassing; two state legislators, one from Massachusetts and one from New Hampshire, protested.[30][40]

Diablo Canyon Power Plant[edit]

Seabrook's Clamshell Alliance inspired the formation of California's Abalone Alliance, a coalition that included sixty member groups by 1981. The Abalone Alliance staged blockades and occupations at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant site between 1977 and 1984.[41] Nearly two thousand people were arrested during a two-week blockade in 1981, exceeding Seabrook as the largest number arrested at an anti-nuclear protest in the United States.[41] Specific protests included:
  • August 6, 1977: The Abalone Alliance held the first blockade at Diablo Canyon Power Plant in California, and 47 people were arrested.[42]
  • August 1978: almost 500 people were arrested for protesting at Diablo Canyon.[42]
  • April 8, 1979: 30,000 people marched in San Francisco to support shutting down the Diablo Canyon Power Plant.[43]
  • June 30, 1979: about 40,000 people attended a protest rally at Diablo Canyon.[44]
  • September 1981: close to 2,000 arrests were made during attempted occupation of Diablo Canyon.[42][45]
  • May 1984: about 130 demonstrators showed up for start-up day at Diablo Canyon, and five were arrested.[46]
In April 2011, there was demonstration of 300 people at Avila Beach calling for the closure of Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant and a halt to its relicensing application process. The event, organized by San Luis Obispo-based anti-nuclear group Mothers for Peace, was in response to the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.[47]

Trojan Nuclear Power Plant[edit]

There was opposition to the Trojan Nuclear Power Plant from its inception, and this included non-violent protests organized by the Trojan Decommissioning Alliance. The Alliance organized the first major direct action protest at Trojan in August 1977, and a second round of protests took place that November. Scores of demonstrators were arrested, and in December 1977 a jury found 96 protesters not guilty of criminal trespass. There was another protest in August 1978, which led to about 280 arrests.[48] In the 1980s and early 1990s, Portland activist Lloyd Marbet and his group, Forelaws on Board, "became Trojan's leading opponents".[48]

Washington events, August 1985[edit]

Each of the 2,500 pews in the cathedral was covered with a cloth panel, decorated by The Ribbon International anti-nuclear group.
Assembly of the Ribbon gets underway at the United States Capitol, Washington, D.C.
The interfaith service for peace and nuclear disarmament, held on August 3 at the Washington National Cathedral, was attended by 5,000 people. Cathedral staff reported that it was the second-largest crowd ever hosted in the building.[49] Over 4,000 handmade cloth panels were on display during the service. Each pew was decorated by The Ribbon International group, and additional cloth ribbons were draped and tied in various locations around the building. Twenty bagpipers in Highland dress led a procession of 200 people carrying ribbons into the cathedral. The service also included dancing, meditation, and a performance by the Howard University Gospel Choir.[50][51] Survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings were in attendance both at the church service and during The Ribbon event the next day.
When all 27,000 individual cloth panels were joined together on August 4, it created a ribbon 18 miles (29 km) long.[52] Don Wilcox of The Craft Report described it as "the largest collaborative craft event in American history".[53] The Ribbon wrapped around the Pentagon building, through the Pentagon parking lot, down the foot paths alongside the Jefferson Davis Highwayand Washington Boulevard, crossed the Potomac River into Washington D.C. at the Arlington Memorial Bridge, and travelled into the National Mall area. The Ribbon then went past the Lincoln Memorial, along the south side of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, continuing east along the National Mall, and around the U.S.Capitol Building. It then turned west along the north side of the National Mall, went around the Ellipse by the White House, passed the Lincoln Memorial, crossed the Potomac River again and returned to the Pentagon. When the chain of panels was completed, hundreds of balloons were released near the Lincoln Memorial. The entire route was lined with people, and crowds gathered at the three designated speaking areas (the Pentagon, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Capitol). Singers, including Pete Seeger and Tom Chapin, rotated between the three stage areas, performing anti-war songs.[54][55]

Three Mile Island accident[edit]

President Jimmy Carter leavingThree Mile Island for Middletown, Pennsylvania, April 1, 1979
Even before the Three Mile Island accident, the nuclear industry was facing considerable adverse public opinion. A "sizeable and tenacious opposition movement had caused significant delays" in the licensing and construction of new power plants in the United States. The TMI accident stimulated a rise in anti-nuclear sentiment.[56]
The American public were concerned about the release of radioactive gas from the Three Mile Island accident and many mass demonstrations opposing nuclear power took place across the country in the following months. The largest one was held in New York City in September 1979 and involved two hundred thousand people; speeches were given by Jane Fonda and Ralph Nader.[4][57][58] The New York rally was held in conjunction with a series of nightly “No Nukes” concerts given at Madison Square Garden from September 19 through 23 by Musicians United for Safe Energy.
In the previous May, an estimated 65,000 people, including the Governor of California, attended a march and rally against nuclear power in Washington, D.C.[3][43]

Black Fox Nuclear Power Plant[edit]

Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant[edit]

  • August 12, 1978: Forty protesters are arrested at the first anti-Shoreham demonstration.[62][63]
  • 1989: after many years of protests, the completed Shoreham plant was closed without generating any commercial electrical power.[64][66]

Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant[edit]

The Rocky Flats Plant was a United States nuclear weapons production facility near Denver, Colorado that operated from 1952 to 1992. It was under the control of theUnited States Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) until 1977, when the AEC was replaced by the Department of Energy (DOE). Weapons production ended in 1989 after FBI agents raided the Rocky Flats plant. Operators of the plant later pleaded guilty to criminal violations of environmental law. The Plant was subject to many public protests:
  • April 28, 1979: 15,000 people demonstrated against the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant, making the link between nuclear power and nuclear weaponry.[67][68]
  • October 15, 1983: Large demonstration at Rocky Flats.[69][70]
  • August 10, 1987: 320 demonstrators were arrested after they tried to force a one-day shutdown of the Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant.[71]
  • August, 1989: An estimated 3,500 people turned out for a demonstration at Rocky Flats.[70]

Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Plant[edit]

In 1979, Abalone Alliance members held a 38-day sit-in at Californian Governor Jerry Brown's office to protest continued operation of Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station, which was a duplicate of the Three Mile Island facility.[72] In 1989, Sacramento voters voted to shut down the Rancho Seco power plant.[73]

Protest against the Arms Race[edit]

On June 12, 1982, one million people demonstrated in New York City's Central Park against nuclear weapons and for an end to the cold war arms race. It was the largest anti-nuclear protest and the largest political demonstration in American history.[6][7]

Seneca Women’s Peace Camp[edit]

Camp Poster
The Seneca Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice was located in Romulus, in Seneca County, New York, adjacent to the Seneca Army Depot. It took place mainly during the summer of 1983. Thousands of women came to participate and rally against nuclear weapons and the “patriarchal society” that created and used those weapons. The purpose of the Encampment was to stop the scheduled deployment of Cruise and Pershing II missiles before their suspected shipment from the Seneca Army Depot to Europe that fall. The Encampment continued as an active political presence in the Finger Lakes area for at least 5 more years, supporting anti-nuclear education and the connections between eco-feminism, non-violence, the need for civil disobedience and ideas of perma-culture, and sustainability.

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant[edit]

In the 1970s and 1980s there were many protests at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant which attempted to block access to the plant.[74]
  • September 23, 1979: some 167 protesters were arrested at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant.[33]
  • January 2006: 100 anti-nuclear supporters demonstrated at the front door of Entergy Nuclear, and eleven people were arrested for trespassing.[75][76]
  • October 2006: 26 people were arrested outside the Brattleboro offices of owner Entergy Nuclear; the demonstration drew about 200 people.[77][78]
  • April 27, 2007: Seven anti-nuclear activists were arrested after chaining themselves to a fence at Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. The protesters, who call themselves the "Raging Grannies", wanted the plant shut down and have engaged in dozens of similar actions since December 2005.[79]
  • November 2008: About 15 people held a rowdy protest against Vermont Yankee in the offices of the Public Service Board that regulates utilities.[80][81]
  • April 2009: A rally and two full-page advertisements in The Burlington Free Press, which mocked the Vermont Yankee Power Plant, were paid for by a newly formed group, The Clean Green Vermont Alliance.[82]
  • April 2009: About 150 activists marched from Montpelier's City Hall to the State House to urge lawmakers to back development of clean energy sources such aswind power and solar power; the marchers had gathered 12,000 signatures in support of closing Vermont Yankee.[83][84]
  • September 2009: Frances Crowe and three other women were arrested for non-violent civil disobedience at the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant.[85]
  • January 2010: A coalition of anti-nuclear activists participated in a 126-mile walk from Brattleboro to Montpelier in an effort to block the re-licensing of Vermont Yankee. About 175 people took part in the March, some joining for the day and some for longer stretches.[86]
  • On February 24, 2010, a large number of anti-nuclear activists and private citizens gathered in Montpelier to be at hand as the Vermont Senate voted 26 to 4 to not issue the Vermont Yankee reactor the "Public Good" certificate it needed for continued operation past 2012. Under Vermont law the re-license would have to be approved by both houses to continue operation.[87]
  • March 2011: 600 people gathered for a weekend protest outside the Vermont Yankee plant. The demonstration was held to show support for the thousands of Japanese people who are endangered by possible radiation from the Fukushima I nuclear accidents.[88]
  • March 2012: More than 130 protesters were arrested at the corporate headquarters of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant, on the first day of the plant's operation after the expiration of its original 40-year license.[89]
  • March 2013: More than 500 people, carrying banners and chanting "shut it down", marched through downtown Brattleboro in protest against Vermont Yankee.[90]
On August 27, 2013, Entergy announced in a press release that it would close Vermont Yankee by the end of 2014.[91]

San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station[edit]

  • August 6, 1977: about a thousand anti-nuclear protesters marched outside the San Onofre nuclear generation station, while units 2 & 3 were under construction.[92]
  • June 22, 1980: about 15,000 people attended a protest near San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in California.[33]
  • March 2012: 200 activists protested the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station to mark the one-year anniversary of the nuclear meltdowns in Fukushima, Japan.[93]
On June 7, 2013, Southern California Edison announced it would "permanently retire" Unit 2 and Unit 3, ending their attempt to restart the plant at a reduced capacity.[94]

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory[edit]

The Livermore Action Group organized many mass protests, from 1981 to 1984, against nuclear weapons which were being produced by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Peace activists Ken Nightingale and Eldred Schneider were involved.[95] On June 22, 1982, more than 1,300 anti-nuclear protesters were arrested in a nonviolent demonstration.[96] More recently, there has been an annual protest against nuclear weapons research at Lawrence Livermore. In August 2003, 1,000 people protested at Livermore Labs against "new-generation nuclear warheads".[97] In the 2007 protest, 64 people were arrested.[98] More than 80 people were arrested in March 2008 while protesting at the gates.[99]

International Day of Nuclear Disarmament[edit]

International Day of Nuclear Disarmament protests were held on June 20, 1983 at 50 sites across the United States. Many of the protests were against corporations involved in nuclear weapons production. Almost a thousand members of the Livermore Action Group were arrested at one demonstration.[8][9]

Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament[edit]

In 1986, hundreds of people walked from Los Angeles to Washington DC in what is referred to as the Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament. The march took nine months to traverse 3,700 miles (6,000 km), advancing approximately fifteen miles per day.[10]

Yankee Rowe Nuclear Power Plant[edit]

Yankee Rowe Nuclear Power Plant, shut down in 1992, was subject to years of protests by environmentalists.[100]

Nevada Test Site[edit]

Members of Nevada Desert Experience hold a prayer vigil during the Easter period of 1982 at the entrance to the Nevada Test Site.
See also: Corbin Harney
From 1986 through 1994, two years after the United States put a hold on full-scale nuclear weapons testing, 536 demonstrations were held at the Nevada Test Site involving 37,488 participants and 15,740 arrests, according to government records.[101]These are just a few details:
  • January, 1987: The actor Martin Sheen and 71 other anti-nuclear protesters were arrested at the Nevada Test Site in a demonstration marking the 36th anniversary of the first nuclear test there.[102]
  • February 5, 1987: More than 400 people were arrested, when they tried to enter the nation's nuclear proving grounds after nearly 2,000 demonstrators held a rally to protest nuclear weapons testing. Those arrested included the astronomer Carl Sagan and the actors Kris KristoffersonMartin Sheen, and Robert Blake. Five Democratic members of Congress attended the rally: Thomas J. DowneyMike LowryJim BatesLeon E. Panetta and Barbara Boxer.[11][103]
  • August 9, 1987: A total of 228 people demonstrating against nuclear weapons were arrested at the Nevada Test Site.[71]
  • September 30, 1987: 110 demonstrators, including seven pediatricians, were arrested for civil disobedience; charges were later dropped.[104]
  • March 20, 1989: 75 protesters, including Louis Vitale, were arrested for trespassing in a peaceful Palm Sunday demonstration.[105]
  • April 20, 1992: 493 anti-nuclear protesters were arrested on misdemeanor charges, as demonstrators clashed with guards at an annual Easter demonstration against weapons testing at the remote desert site.[12]
  • August 6, 1995: 500 people gathered to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima.[106]
  • 1997: Over 2,000 people turned out for a demonstration and 700 were arrested.[107]
  • August 2005: About 200 peace activists, including actor Martin Sheen, gathered for a nonviolent demonstration outside the gates; dozens were given citations and released after crossing police lines.[108]
  • May 2006: 200 activists protested the Divine Strake explosives test, and 40 were arrested.[109]
  • April 2007: Nevada Desert Experience protest, where 39 people were cited by police.[110]

Y-12 Weapons Plant[edit]

April 2011 OREPA rally at the Y-12 entrance
Since 1988, Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance has organized non-violent direct action protests at the Y-12 National Security Complex, in an effort to close down the weapons plant. Sister Mary Dennis Lentsch, a Catholic nun, has been arrested many times for protesting at the Oak Ridge facility. She has said, "I believe the continuing weapons production at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, is in direct violation of the treaty obligations of the United States and consequently, is a violation of Article 6 of the US Constitution”.[111] In 2011, Rev. Bill Bichsel, an 84-year-old priest, received a prison sentence of three months for trespassing on federal property at the Y-12 complex.[112] In 2012, there have been protests about the proposed new Uranium Processing Facility, which is expected to cost $7.5 billion.[113]
In July 2012, Megan Rice, an 82-year-old nun and two fellow pacifists entered the Y-12 complex and spray-painted antiwar slogans on a building that houses nuclear bomb fuel. The anti-nuclear activists, who got past fences and security sensors before dawn on July 28, spent several hours in the Complex, conducting a Christian peace ritual, before they were stopped by a lone guard. The security breach prompted private experts to criticize the Department of Energy’s safeguarding of nuclear stockpiles. The agency is to reappraise security measures across its nuclear weapons program.[114]

Naval Base Kitsap[edit]

There have been anti-nuclear protests at Naval Base Kitsap for many years.[115] Recent protests include:
  • January 19, 2008: Seventeen people protesting about nuclear weapons at Naval Base Kitsap at Bangor in honor of Martin Luther King. Jr. were detained or arrested. All were released shortly afterward.[116]
  • May 30, 2008: Twelve people were arrested at an anti-nuclear weapon demonstration at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor — five of them for walking on a sidewalk closed to pedestrian traffic.[117]
  • November 2, 2009: Five protestors, including Jesuit Priest William J. Bichsel, S.J. were arrested for breaking through two levels of security to protest the nuclear weapons stored at the base. The protesters walked to a bunker where the weapons were stored and spilled blood, hung posters and prayed.[118]

White House Peace Vigil[edit]

The White House Peace Vigil, June 2006
ThomasConcepcion Picciotto and Ellen Thomas are the founders of the longest running anti-nuclear peace vigil in the US at the White House Peace VigilLafayette Square, Washington, D.C..[119][120]
